Solar Services
Contact Us to Connect with Vetted Solar Services Companies that Perform the Following Services
Real Estate Transactions & Litigation
Commercials sales/purchases and leases
Residential sales/purchases and leases
Commercial evictions
Loans secured by real property
Condominium, subdivisions and development
Actions involving title reports and rights to title
Boundary disputes, including easements and encroachments
Landlord/tenant disputes
Actions involving habitability claims, including class actions
Construction contracts and construction defect actions
Real estate agent and broker performance
Representation of Homeowner Associations and homeowners
Distressed property work-outs
Creditors’ rights in bankruptcy and other courts
Business Transactions & Litigation
Formation and maintenance of corporations, partnerships and LLCs
Business sales and buyouts
Preparation of shareholder and partnership operating agreements
Handling of shareholder and partnership disputes
Consultations regarding business operations
Preparation of employment agreements
Distressed business work-outs
Handling of litigation for business fraud, breach of contract, unfair competition, interference with prospective economic advantage, etc.
Representation of non-profit corporations
Employment Law & Litigation
Preparation of all forms of employment contracts
Preparation of employee handbooks and all policies and procedures applicable to the employment setting
Trouble-shooting with management as to how to address day-to-day employment issues/problems
Advice regarding wage and hour issues
Representation of companies before the EEOC, the Department of Fair Employment and Housing, and the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement
Representation of companies in litigation involving claims of sexual harassment, discrimination (disability, sex, gender, age, race, etc.), assault/battery, libel/slander, wage and hour, and violation of civil rights
Zoning, Development and Administrative Law
Land Use
Land use planning
Subdivisions and zoning
Title issues
Boundary disputes and encroachments
Regulatory takings
Storm water regulations
Water supply and connection fees
Infrastructure planning
Low-impact development
Parks\encroachment fees
Prevailing wage requirements
Inclusionary (affordability) requirements
Natural resource management and endangered species
Energy efficiency
Greenhouse gas reduction
"indirect source" regulation of the transportation impacts of land use
Non-Profit Public Benefit and Religious Organizations